Game Rules


Each players plays Black in turns. The handicap (komi) is 6.5 points.


The initiative is decided by nigiri for each game.

3:Time limit

Time limit for each player is 30 minutes. The time will be measured by the server. The server will count time by 0.1 seconds.


Based on Japanese Go playing rules, except the following ending procedure.

End of Game: If any of the following conditions hold, the game is stopped and the result of the game is determined.

a)Both programs pass consecutively. (Normal end of game)

In this case, the game will end in the following way.

  1. Both programs displays the dead stones and calculate the size of the territory.
  2. If the dead stones and the size of the territory by both programs match, this is used as the result of the game.
  3. If they do not match, the referee corrects the mismatching parts under the witness of both operators.
  4. Neither the program, nor the operator can request for the resume of the game thenafter.

b) One of the programs resigns

When either one of the operators resigns, the player who resigned loses the game, and the other wins. The record of the game would be chuoshigachi (resigned winning) by the winner.

c) One of the operators resigns.

When either one of the operators resigns, the player who resigned loses the game, and the other wins. The record of the game would be chuoshigachi (resigned winning) by the winner.

d) One player exceed the time limit.

The player who exceeded the time limit loses the game, and the other wins.

e) When the game has progressed the 400th moves. Pass will be counted by a move.

The referee counts the territory of each player and determines the result.

f) When illegal moves are played.

A player who made the first illegal move loses the game. The illegal move must be pointed out by the opponent or the referee before the submission of game scores.

g) Repetition of a position

If the same position repeats in a game (such as 3 kou case), the referee stops the game and declares a draw. In the final tournament, another game should be played to determine a winner.

h) Abnormal termination of programs

If one of the programs terminates abnormally, the following procedure is applied.

  1. If the sum of the remaining time of the both players is less than 40 minutes, the player have terminated abnormally loses, and the other wins.
  2. If the sum is equal or larger than 40 minutes, they play a new game with time control of 20 minutes each.
  3. If the other program terminates abnormally in the new game, and if the sum of the remaining time is equal or larger than 20 minutes, then another new game is played with time control of 20 minutes each.
  4. The second abnormal termination of the same program in a match loses.

i) Other accidents which causes termination of a game

The referee checks the reason, and the player who has more responsibility on termination than the other should lose. If the referee cannot find the reason, he judge a win/lose/draw based on the final position.

j) Cheating

If a cheating is found, the player who cheated loses the game, and is disqualified from all the following games. Note that other punishments might be made for cheating.

k) Others

Any other exceptions will be handled by the referee. If the referee cannot make a decision, the UEC Cup director has the right to make the final decision.

5:Result sheet

After each game ends, the result of the game must be handed to the UEC Cup office. The result recording form will be given at the beginning of the game. When the game finishes, the operators must fill in and sign the sheet. If the referee decides the final result of the game, then the referee must also sign the sheet. The winner must bring the sheet to the UEC Cup office.