Game rules

1: Handicap

Even game. The first player starts already with 6.5 points.

2: Initiative

The initiative is decided by nigiri by operators for each game.

3: Time limit

Time limit for each player is 30 minutes. The time will be measured by the server. The server will count time by 0.1 seconds.

4: Ending procedure and game result

Based on the Japanese Rules of Go(1989), except the following ending procedure.

If any of the following conditions hold, the game ends, and the result of the game is determined.

(a) One of the programs passes, and then the other player also passes.

In this case, the game will end in the following way.

  1. Both programs display in a clear way the stones judged as dead stones if possible.

  2. Both programs calculate the size of the territories and output the win/loss result if possible.

  3. If all the results from 1 and 2 match between both programs, this is used as the final result of the game.

  4. If the calculation of the territories does not match but the win/loss result does, the latter is used as the final result of the game.

If any one factor other than the calculation of the territories does not match, the referee judges the mismatching parts with the following conditions under the witness of the both operators to decide the win/loss.

  1. Stones judged by the both programs as “alive” are alive.

  2. Stones judged by the both programs as “dead” are dead.

  3. If the judgments by the both programs do not match, the referee will judge dead/alive.

  4. Based on the above, if the approximate territories can be calculated, this result is used to decide the win/loss.

  5. If the judgment on the territories is difficult, the referee conducts positional judgment, and this result is used to decide the win/loss. In this case, however, the supposition is that the matching parts of the dead/alive judgment between the programs are correct.

  6. If their positions are in an even level or positional judgment is impossible for any reason, the game is a draw. (In the final tournament, another game should be played, however.)

(b) One of the programs resigns

The player who has resigned loses the game.

(c) One of the operators resigns

The player who has resigned loses the game.

(d) One player exceeds the time limit

The player who has exceeded the time limit loses the game.

(e) When the game has progressed to the 400th move including a pass (The program or operator will stop the game)

The referee conducts positional judgment under the witness of the both operators to decide the win/loss/draw.

(f) Breach of the rule

The player who has broken a rule loses the game. The illegal move must be pointed out by the opponent or the referee, any time before the agreement on the result of the game is signed. After signing, the result cannot be changed.

(g) Repetition of a position

If a situation appears falling under Article 12 of the Japanese Go playing rules (such as 3-kou case), the referee stops the game and declares a draw under the witness of the operators. In the final tournament, another game should be played to determine a winner.

(h) Abnormal termination of programs

The following procedure is applied.

  1. If the sum of the remaining time the both players have is 40 minutes or longer, another game is played with a time limit of 20 minutes each. If the sum is less than 40 minutes, the player of the terminated program loses regardless of the cause.

  2. If the other program terminates abnormally in the new game, and if the sum of the remaining time is 20 minutes or longer, then another game is played with a time limit of 20 minutes each. If the sum is less than 20 minutes, the player of the terminated program loses regardless of the cause.

  3. The second abnormal termination of one program in a match results in its loss.

(i) Other accidents that cause termination of a game

The referee checks the cause, and the player who has more responsibility on the termination than the other will lose. If the referee cannot make the decision, he judges the win/loss/draw based on the final position.

(j) Improbity

When an improbity of a player is found, the player loses the game and is disqualified from all the following games.

An operator who inputs a command in the middle of the game is disqualified in some cases. When an operator experiences problems in the middle of the game, she/he must consult with the referee.

When the referee cannot judge a game, the organizing chair judges the game. In other situations that are not specified in this webpage, you are expected to follow the referee's or chair's judgment. In any case, the chair's judgment is the final decision.

In the final tournament, if another game is played for a cause other than abnormal termination of a program, the time limit may be shortened (to 20, 15, or 10 minutes) due to administrative reasons. The time-limit length will be determined by the referee or organizing chair.

5: Result recording form

After each game ends, the result of the game must be handed to the UEC Cup office. The result recording form will be given at the beginning of the game. When the game finishes, you fill in and sign the sheet, and the winner submits the sheet. If the referee decides the final result, then the referee must also sign the sheet.